Interpreting experiments
As a means of keeping this research relatable, different experiments will go through attempts at translation towards architectural or some other form of designed and understandable objective. Initial examples isolate moments within experiments or defined "diagrams" in order to highlight conditions of performative difference. These are then codified to relate to architectural elements and trajectories as a means of speculating an architectural resultant.
Two primary conditions are highlighted here. One of opposing trajectory to the body of movement that feeds itself back into the matrix; the other defining a boundary condition of orbital consistency. The clear differences allow a translation of varying behavioral trajectory towards varying elements of trajectory within an architecture. In this situation, the former has been translated towards a supportive element of non-user occupation; that of energy and its infrastructure. The latter provides boundary like conditions for not only user occupation, but perhaps vary elements within its structural guidance. Such readings carry forward in order to translate additional elements and their trajectories until an anonymous architecture begins to form.
While this method is logical and directly relates to previous means of translating traditional diagrams towards a designed outcome, each interpreter holds the power to determine its influence. With the goal of this new mode being to expand ways of conceiving and working through future complex conditions, there lies an opportunity for translation to have influence upon one's perception. While this may be abstract, this process, given the evolved technological support, could lead towards a clearer means of perceiving not only how we currently occupy space in grander ways, but perhaps how we may understand spatial relations in more exotic, unfamiliar environments. The most common environment to the 4+ dimensional one referred to within our known reality is that of micro-gravity. Conditions such as this could clearly benefit from a process that begins with the abandonment of methods developed around the occupation of commonly understood gravitational conditions such as the traditional orthographic projections.